Club Penguin field-op 65 cheats

 A new Field-op is available to all EPF agents on the island of Club Penguin. The start the newest field-op click on your blinking red spy-phone on the lower left. Now when your spy-phone pops up click on "go there" to go to the Club Penguin command room.

 Now click on the yellow screen on the right of the EPF command room and a message from Gary will appear on the screen. Now click "accept field-op" to start Club Penguin's newest field-op.
 Now that you have received your field-op orders from Gary waddle or use your map to get to the cove on Club Penguin. Now waddle to lower right of the cove next to the large rocks shown here:
 To start Club Penguin field-op 65 click on your blinking green spy phone and this will appear:
 To start the newest field-op click "engage" To complete field-op 65 break the code! Scan the symbols to find the right combination.
 After completing the newest field-op on Club Penguin Rookie will send you this message on your spy phone:
 Club Penguin Field-op 65 was terrific! I wonder what klutzy and the crabs are up too? What do you think Klutzy is planning? To let me know just comment.


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