Club Penguin April 2012 furniture catalog cheats

 A brand new furniture catalog has been released on Club Penguin. This month's furniture catalog has earth day and nature themed items throughout it. There are also new cheats for hidden items. Below is how to get all of the latest hidden items throughout the April furniture catalog: 
To find the desert stones click on the middle of the jungle fern.
To find the garden click on the blue patch on the hippo.
To find the red couch click on the top shelf of the red bookcase.
To find the easel click on the sun in the sunset painting.
To find the potted palm click on the pot of the evergreen plant.
To find the cavern chair click on the bottom of the swinging vines.
To find the tropical palm click on the wheel of the pirate ship.
To find the steering wheel click on the right pole of the velvet rope.
To find the mannequin click on the brown cup on the judges table.
To find the ancient archway click on the lock of the treasure chest.
To find the bamboo torch click on the grill of the barbecue.
This month's furniture catalog has tons of secret items and items perfect for earth day. Which of the secret items above is your favorite on Club Penguin? Let me know in the comments below.


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