Club Penguin newspaper 338

 A new newspaper has been published on Club Penguin. This is Club Penguin's 338th newspaper released on the island. It talks about the April fool's igloo contest and the earth day party arriving next week! Below is Club Penguin latest newspaper:
  This week's newspaper headline is about the earth day party arriving on the 19th. It even shows the upcoming exclusive the "lion costume". 
  The second article has the winners of the craaaziest igloo contest ever. To see the winners of the contest click here.
This weeks upcoming events are:

  • Now-Better igloos catalog
  • Apr.19-Earth day party
  • Apr.19-new pin
  • Apr.26-Ruby and the ruby
  • Mar.3-Penguin style catalog
This week's newspaper was amazing and interesting. This year's earth day party will be the biggest yet having new free items and new exclusive animal costumes. Which of the upcoming events above is your favorite?


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