Club Penguin Field-Op 79 cheats

 A new field op is available for all EPF agents on Club Penguin. To start the latest field op click on  your blinking red spy phone on the lower left. Then click "go there" to teleport to the EPF command center:
 In the command center click on the yellow screen on the right. Gary will give you your field-op orders for field op mission 79.
Waddle or use your map to get to the pizza parlor. Waddle to the right of the cash register as shown below:
Once you are there click on your blinking green spy phone on the lower left to begin field op 79. Click "engage" to start.
Crack the code to complete the new field op on Club Penguin. Listen to the tempo of the lock, then repeat it. Each time it gets faster as you get closer to cracking the code.
After completed field op 79 on Club Penguin Rookie will send you a message.
 Mmm.. This couldn't of been from Roookie. Could it be Herbert? Or maybe the protobot? Check back next week for how to complete field op 80. Who do you think sent the message? Let me know what you think in the comments below.


Anonymous said...

Hi there Gpumpkin,

I'm Bubblehead11 Owner of Excp. I would like for both of our great websites to join in to 1 website. I get really exclusive items for Club Penguin, so I get lots of website views. I give away lots of them. I'm also a good GFX designer. This is up to you. It's a really good chance for 2 big productions to join.

Gpumpkin said...

I don't think I can do that right now, but thank you for asking. Your website is very neat Bubblehead11!


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