New Penguin Color Coming Soon: White!

 The Club Penguin team has officially announced the release of the white penguin color! It will be arriving in the next couple of months to Club Penguin. Below is the latest "what's new" blog post:

Hello Penguins! 

The word is out... There's been a lot of talk about a new penguin color coming to Club Penguin. It's a color that many of you have been asking for since the beginning -- White!
We've got a brand new experience coming in the next few months where you can unlock the new color! I can't say any more than that right now, but I'll let you know more as soon as I can.

What do you think of the new penguin color? What new color would you like to see in the future? We'd love to hear what you think!

Until then... Waddle On!

-Club Penguin Team

 More likely to get the new Club Penguin white you will have to unlock. Maybe even will be earned from playing Card-jitsu snow? When the penguin color white is released will you get for your penguin? Let me know your thoughts in the comments below.


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