Club Penguin Aunt Arctic Tracker April 2012

 During the Earth Day Party 2012 Aunt Arctic will be waddling around the island of Club Penguin. While at the Earth day party Aunt Arctic will visit the rooms, the coffee shop, snow forts, plaza, town, and possibly other rooms. If you are able to find her you will unlock the "Aunt Arctic" extreme stamp and get Aunt Arctic's exclusive background. Below is Aunt Arctic's Latest location:

To find her faster help us track on the chat below:

Tips on finding Aunt Arctic by yourself:

  • Go on servers that are have 3-4 green bars and sometimes servers with 5 green bars.
  • Aunt Arctic stays on a server for 15 minutes then goes to another one.
  • Aunt Arctic can also be on more than one server at once.
  • Aunt Arctic is a green penguin with a pink toque(pink hat) and black glasses with a pencil.
  • Also check the snow forts first when on any server to find her quickly.
  • If she isn't at the snow forts check the town, plaza, coffee shop, and dock.
  • After finding Aunt Arctic bring up her playercard,and click on the box on the lower left of her player card. Click "yes" to add it to your penguin's inventory.
Aunt Arctic will be on Club Penguin until Apr.24th. Have fun tracking Aunt Arctic! Have you found Aunt Arctic on Club Penguin yet? Let me know your thoughts in the comments below.


Trainman1405 said...

Thanks for adding my tracker! Also I love your Earth Day Header. :)

Gpumpkin said...

No problem Trainman, you're tracker is one of the best. Also I'm glad you liked my header;)


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