Club Penguin Field-op #78 Cheats

A new field op is available to all EPF agents on Club Penguin. To start the new field op click on your blinking red spy phone on the lower left. Click "go there" to teleport to the elite penguin force command room.
 Now waddle to the yellow screen on the right of the room to get your field op orders from Gary. Click "accept field-op" to start this week's field op mission.
After receiving your field op orders from Gary waddle or use your map to get to the snow forts. Waddle to the right of the tree house as shown below:
 Your Spy phone will begin blinking green, click on it to start field op 78. 
 To complete the field op break the code. Scan symbols to find the right combination. An easy way to beat field op 78 is by doing the symbols in order of clicks, when one is correct just do the others till you break the code.
 When you have finished field op 78 Gary will send you a message.
It says:
Well done, Agent. You've picked up an unusual signal... The message is blank, but it's definitely encrypted. Why would someone send a blank message? This is very strange. Stay on alert-this may be an important clue.
Could Protobot of sent the blank message? Who do you think sent the message, Herbert, protobot, or a new villain? Let me know what you think in the comments below. 


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