Club Penguin Teen Beach Takeover Day 7

As on everyday, but not after this day, a new time is unlocked, and is available to be found, and obtainable. The free items which are available on this party are: 1. Ukulele 2. Retro Hat 3. Beach Towel 4. Beach Ball 5. Friends Forever Lei 6. Tropical Smoothie, and last but not least, the 7. Marshmallow Stick. As you know that this party is a combination of a Summer,Water, and a Music Jam party. To obtain this item, head to the forest from your map. Once you've done that, click the hut which is on your far right. A pop-up screen will show up, Click '' Collect '' to proceed, and the Marshmallow Stick will be added to your inventory Below am I near the hut:

You have found and obtained the Marshmallow Stick, Congratulations!. I hope our guide helped you on obtaining this item. This party is very much liked by the players, I like it as well. Don't forget to visit the Medieval Party, which will be held on September 19. What are your opinions on this party? Have you obtained all the free items in the party yet? Leave us a comment below on your thoughts, We'd love to hear what you've got to say! 


GpumpkinCP Cheats Author. 


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