1 Year Anniversary!

 Today Club Penguin Cheats and Guide by Gpumpkin has turned one year old! I would like to thank each and every one of you for supporting my blog and helping me out! Your support has meant a lot to me over the past year. To celebrate I'll be giving away a unlock code and be making one of you a custom penguin! The code will posted at 3:00 PST(penguin stranded time) tomorrow. Take a look at what the blog has looked like over the past year:
 It has come a long way! I'm also creating a new look, but that's a surprise for later... If you don't get the code don't worry. At my 50,000 hits giveaway I'll give away more codes and maybe even a membership code. The one year anniversary party will be announced soon! The first person to comment that they want a custom penguin will get one! Also once again, I can't thank you enough for all your support! I can't wait for the year ahead! You guys rock!


Luigileo said...

Congrats a lot! I remember when your blog was so small :) and look at it now! You're getting so succesful :D I'll try to be at the party :D and also you are so near to 50K wow! Oo! and thanks for the giveaway I'll try to win a code now, I only won 1 cj from you :D

Luigileo said...

Btw, the code is today or tomorrow?

Gpumpkin said...

I'll post the code tomorrow.

Ronnp09 said...

Is the code a membership code? My membership expired already. And i need membership to post the quest cheats at the medieval party. Can you save one for me again??

Dhi228 said...

Congrats! The site has grown from the time I first visited, keep it up :D

Dhi228 said...

Hey G, what do you mean by custom penguin? If it means that I write my name on a comment, then may I enter, thanks! :D

Gpumpkin said...

Yeah, I'll make you a custom penguin! What would you like the custom penguin to have on him?

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